Green Key


Green Key

Green Key is the international quality mark for companies in the tourism and recreation sector, and in the meeting and congress locations market.

These companies need to be seriously and measurably involved with sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and care for the environment inside the company and in the surrounding nature. Green Key guarantees that the company voluntarily does more for the environment than required by legislation and regulations. The Green Key is a means to communicate the sustainable image of a company to its guests, governments and business relations.

Lancaster Hospitality satisfies, or in the future intends to satisfy, the following agreements:
• We contribute actively to the development of our trade and transfer our knowledge to others who wish to learn this trade.
• We inform our business relations (customer/client, trade colleagues and suppliers) that we do business in a socially responsible way.
• We make transparent agreements with the customer/client and or suppliers about the quality of our services and monitor the quality that we deliver.
• We determine the social impact of our services and limit any negative impact as far as possible, such as fraudulent operations, intimidation, exploitation and child labour.
• We monitor both the continuity of our business as well as that of our employees and we ensure that we have provisions in the event that we face loss of income.
• We deliver a voluntary contribution to social goals through donations and sponsorship and/or through voluntary work.
• We continuously work to reduce environmental pollution caused by our company.
• We continuously work to improve our own purchasing process, and purchase office and other materials and services that have an environmental and/or social quality mark.